Junto: Learning & Entrepreneurship

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Love is the Killer App

I just recently read the book entitled Love is the Killer App by Tim Sanders. This book came highly recommended and I can see why. The principles taught are very refreshing as they discuss the importance of 1) increasing your knowledge, 2) increasing your network and 3) using compassion in the business world.

Increasing Knowledge
The author explains the importance of using books to increase your knowledge. While magazines, websites, and newspapers are good sources to keep you up to date, books represent months or even years of well-thought ideas. Dedicating quality time to reading books and other reliable sources will pay dividends many times over.

Increasing Your Network
This topic is a personal favorite of mine. I love meeting new people. It is exhilirating to meet a new person and establish a long-lasting relationship. One of the reasons that I have enjoyed the Junto program is because of the doors that it has opened to meet many fascinating people.

Using Compassion
At first, I didn't quite understand what Tim Sanders meant by the phrase "using compassion in business"; however, it has become clear to me that he is suggesting that we strive to make the business world more personable. With less and less face-to-face communication (as a result of the advances in technology), it is important that we do all we can to make the most out of our business relationships.

If you haven't had a chance to read Love is the Killer App, I highly recommend it!


  • Brock,

    I whole-heartedly agree. I will have to pick up a copy of that book.

    Have any other great books that you know of that I could read?

    I haven't yet been able to pick up Art of the Start, but I have added it to my ToDo list. :o)

    I wish for you good luck in all of your endeavors!

    Your Friend,

    Deavon Barlow

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:23 PM  

  • I also think that part of compassion is that you should be compassate about your work. Remember Norm from Acc 200?, well that's what he always said-love what you do and you'll be successful at it. and i think that if you love what you do it'll be apparent to those with whom you do business with and you'll be able to establish better relationships.

    By Blogger Caroline, at 5:41 PM  

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