Why do you do what you do?
One of the questions that has been on my mind as of late is: why do I do what I do? Let me explain.
Have you ever thought about why you work for the company that you work for? Why are you in the career that you are in? Is it your dream job, or are you just doing it to pay the bills?
As I've discussed pros and cons of certain positions with other entrepreneurs, I have noticed that we are all in our careers for different reasons. Some may love what they are doing, others may dread waking up in the morning because they have to go to work. Some may see the opportunity as a means to make money, while others see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
I honestly love being an entrepreneur. To me, the excitement of creating something of value (and enjoying the learning experience and new relationships along the way) is the reason that I wake up in the morning. Already, we have created job opportunities for 7 people (and hiring 2 more soon).
So while some entrepreneurs are only in it to make their millions, I am not one of them. Don't get me wrong -- I will not turn down a large exit if that happens, but such an exit will just be an added bonus -- I love what I do!
Have you ever thought about why you work for the company that you work for? Why are you in the career that you are in? Is it your dream job, or are you just doing it to pay the bills?
As I've discussed pros and cons of certain positions with other entrepreneurs, I have noticed that we are all in our careers for different reasons. Some may love what they are doing, others may dread waking up in the morning because they have to go to work. Some may see the opportunity as a means to make money, while others see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
I honestly love being an entrepreneur. To me, the excitement of creating something of value (and enjoying the learning experience and new relationships along the way) is the reason that I wake up in the morning. Already, we have created job opportunities for 7 people (and hiring 2 more soon).
So while some entrepreneurs are only in it to make their millions, I am not one of them. Don't get me wrong -- I will not turn down a large exit if that happens, but such an exit will just be an added bonus -- I love what I do!
You may find this of interest http://smartstartup.typepad.com/my_weblog/2005/08/understand_what.html
It helped me to get clearer.
By Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
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By Jeff, at 1:24 AM
I'm with Brock. Being an entrepreneur is cool for many reasons, but there are some more important than making money. For me I think the thing I find most gratifying is the whole increasing the size of the pie concept. I'm a huge believer in the efficient markets theories and subscribe to Milton Friedman's ideas about efficiently allocating resources resulting in value creation and a higher standard of living of all parties involved. Sounds kinda corny I guess, but it's good enough for me. I too recently joined the blogger ranks, so if you'd like you can check out my blog on qualifying subs for proper safety procedures.
CIO of Pacific Industrial Contractor Screening
By Jeff, at 1:25 AM
Although revenue is a key factor in the success of a start up, it is not the only measure of success. Building something of value, creating opportunity for others and filling needs in the marketplace are also rewarding. Unfortunately, revenue is the oil the keeps the new engine of a startup moving, therefore, without it, an otherwise worthy startup will sputter.
I praise Brock for his perspective and priorities and I don't doubt his earning potential.
By Anonymous, at 7:21 PM
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